The traditional event Speech4Teachers organized by the Foundation Open Society -Macedonia and the Foundation for Educational and Cultural Initiatives “Step by Step” this year is dedicated to the celebration of International Teacher’s Day.
Through the addresses of several educational experts, practitioners and educational policy makers, we will talk about the role of teachers in the education and development of children.
Speakers at the event are:
Mila Carovska – Minister of Education and Science;
Fani Karanfilova-Panovska – Executive Director of the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia;
Suzana Kirandžiska – Executive Director of the Step by Step Foundation;
Zoran Velkovski – University Professor;
Alvin Salimovski – Principal of an elementary school;
Biljana Spasovska – teacher/headmaster;
Elizabeta Sekirarska – High School Professor and
David Frost – Professor at Wolfson College, University of Cambridge
The event will take place on Wednesday, 7 October 2020, starting at 1 pm, in the outdoor hall of the Alexander Palace Hotel in Skopje and it is part of the project “Education of the smaller ethnic communities” implemented by the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia.
The Foundation Open Society Foundation – Macedonia (FOSM) is implementing the project “Education of the smaller ethnic communities” in partnership with the Foundation for Educational and Cultural Initiatives “Step by Step” – Macedonia and the Office for Development of Education in Languages of Smaller Ethnic Communities and the Bureau for Development of education.
The project starts from the efforts for active citizenship and social cohesion as preconditions for building a democratic society and relies on the conviction that investing in quality education is the most efficient way for everyone to get there. Education is a key promoter of social cohesion, and schools as natural environments in which ethnic, cultural and linguistic diversity are understood, promoted and valued as an advantage, places where all students should feel welcome and have the opportunity to reach their full potential for participation, learning and advancement.