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The traditional event Speech4Teach, this year on the theme “Social Justice for Quality Education”, is implemented by the Foundation for Educational and Cultural Initiatives “Step by Step” – Macedonia as part of the project “Education of Small Ethnic Communities” funded by the Foundation Open Society Macedonia.

The event, through inspirational speeches, will raise questions about equal opportunities in our education, raise public awareness of the need for social justice in each of our schools, and encourage rethinking current ideas about the importance of social justice and quality of education.

The event will take place on Thursday, 19 December 2019, starting at 12:00 pm, at the Frosina Cinema Hall in the Youth Cultural Center – Skopje, and the personal and professional experience on relevant, intriguing and inspiring topics in education challenges of smaller ethnic communities will be shared by:

Mark Ginsberg – Dean of the College of Education and Human Development at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, USA

Meri Boškovska – child psychiatrist

Žaklina Durmiš – Association center for educational support of children “Dendo vas”

Siniša Sazdovski – teacher at Elementary School “Brakja Ribar” – Tabanovce

Ema Ananievska – pianist

Izeta Babačikj – teacher at Elementary School “Diturija”- Ljubin village, Saraj

Bekir Huseinov – teacher at Elementary School “Strašo Pindzur” –Karbinci





The Foundation Open Society – Macedonia (FOSM) is implementing the project “Education of Small Ethnic Communities” in partnership with the Foundation for Educational and Cultural Initiatives “Step by Step” – Macedonia and the Office for Development of Education of the Languages ​​of the Small Ethnic Communities and the Bureau for Development of Education.

The project stems from the commitment for active citizenship and social cohesion as prerequisites for building a democratic society and builds on the belief that investing in quality education for all is the most efficient way to get there. Education is a key promoter of social cohesion, and schools as natural environments in which ethnic, cultural and linguistic diversity are understood, promoted and valued as places where all students should feel welcome and have the opportunity to reach their full potential participation, learning and advancement.