On Tuesday (11 December 2018) at Skopje’s Old Bazaar’s CEM Club at 11:00, the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia is going to present the findings of the research “How Much and What Does One Macedonian Student Spend On?”. This research maps the costs of students studying at Macedonia’s state universities. It was conducted between February – March 2018 and covered 945 students from five state universities.
At the event, speeches will be delivered by the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia’s Suzana Pecakovska, Association of Young Analysts and Researchers’ Viktor Stojkoski, Youth Educational Forum’s Martina Ilievska and Aleksandra Filipova as well as prof. Borche Trenovski PhD. They will present the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the research, which is a serious effort toward reaching initial information as to how much and what does one Macedonian student spend on as well as asking the public: How does one Macedonian student live?
This research was conducted by a team of the Association of Young Analysts and Researchers (AYAR) and the Youth Educational Forum (YEF) with the support of the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia (FOSM). The aim of the research is to give an idea about the type and amount of the costs of students studying at state universities in the Republic of Macedonia and based on the analyzed data and reached conclusions to give recommendations for improving students’ standard.
The research is part of FOSM’s pledges for strengthening the role and influence of the civil society as a serious factor in the creation and implementation of quality, inclusive and accountable educational policies and practices, especially the ones affecting young people and students.