The Association for Analysis and Research ZMAI with financial support from the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia conducted research for analysis of investment needs for infrastructure and technology in 48 elementary schools in 10 municipalities in RNM. As a final product of the research, ZMAI prepared a publication “Methodology for redistribution of municipal budgets for elementary schools”.
The promotion of this publication will take place on 6 November 2020 (Friday), starting at 12:30 pm on the ZOOM platform.
The publication includes findings that enabled the creation of a comprehensive overview of the current situation in 48 schools in 10 municipalities in terms of the situation with infrastructure, technical and technological equipment and teaching aids. At the same time, it contains a detailed analysis of the priority projects in the schools, as well as the needs for their financing. The analysis is completed by determining the current situation with the financing of elementary education by the central and local government and includes recommendations for more effective distribution of municipal funds.