The organization Analytica Think-Tank is pleased to invite you to the event where the findings from the analysis of the four freedoms within the economic integration of the Western Balkans (free movement of goods, services, persons and capital) will be presented. At the same time, the findings of the first quantitative and qualitative research “The perception of export-oriented companies in North Macedonia for the Open Balkans Initiative” will be presented.
The analyzes and research were conducted within the project “ECONOMIC INTEGRATION OF THE WESTERN BALKANS – Regional Economic Cooperation and Common Regional Market – Mapping Progress”, with the support of the Foundation Open Society-Macedonia (FOOM).
The purpose of the analysis is to create a complete picture of the current situation, mapping the progress of RN Macedonia towards economic integration in the Western Balkans and determining the current situation within the integration process of RN Macedonia to the EU, with reference to the 4 freedoms (free movement of goods, services, persons and capital). The main goal is a comprehensive mapping of key actors and their positions and proposed recommendations for improving and strengthening cooperation within the “Open Balkans” initiative.
Through this event we want to open a process of dialogue between all relevant stakeholders, but above all integration of all stakeholders (public and private sector) through analysis and recommendations for creating a systematic approach to strengthen economic cooperation and integration of RN Macedonia within the Western Balkans.
The online event will take place on February 9 from 11:00 to 13:00, on the Zoom platform. The working language of the event is Macedonian.