On March 16, 2022 (Wednesday), starting at 12 o’clock, online on the ZOOM platform, the Network for Protection against Discrimination will hold a conference on “Cooperation and partnership for quality policies and practices for prevention and protection against discrimination” through which will promote the work of the Network and the planned activities for 2022, which are aimed at promoting policies and practices for protection against discrimination and promotion of the right to equality.
Equality is a human right and a constitutional value that must be promoted through concrete policies, measures and activities. It is the foundation of democracy and social justice. The annual program of the Network for Protection against Discrimination aims to contribute to an equal society through measures in several areas: legislative changes, capacity building of institutions and monitoring the situation in order to improve policies and practices for protection against discrimination and promotion of equality. The activities that the Network will undertake are also aimed at harmonization with EU law, which means harmonization of our national legislation with the legal norms of the Union, which is one of the conditions for a country to become an EU member.
The event will promote the latest public policy document “State Labor Inspectorate as a protector of workers against discrimination” by the author Natasha Petkovska, Legal Adviser at the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights and the Network for Protection against Discrimination.
Event link:
Opening of the conference and introductory part:
Improving policies and practices for prevention and protection against discrimination and promotion of equality – The contribution of the Network for Protection against Discrimination
12.00 – 12.05 Dance Danilovska Bajdevska, Program Director, Open Society Foundation – Macedonia
12.05 – 12.10 Natasha Boskova, Legal Expert, Coalition Margins, Network for Protection against Discrimination
Moderator: Tona Kareva, Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, Network for Protection against Discrimination
Presentation of a public policy document:
12.10 – 12.30 “State Labor Inspectorate as a protector of workers against discrimination”, author Natasha Petkovska, legal advisor, Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, Network for Protection against Discrimination
12.30 – 12.50 Panel: Review of the work of the equality bodies: conditions, challenges and ways of cooperation with the civil society sector in the protection against discrimination and an equal society
Speakers: Ombudsman, Mr. Nasser Ziberi
Igor Jadrovski, member of the Commission for Prevention and Protection against Discrimination
Sanja Jovanovikj Paneva, Network for Protection against Discrimination
Moderator: Eva Spasevska, HERA, Network for Protection against Discrimination
12.50 – 13.10 Panel: Discrimination in Rural Areas and the Challenges Faced by Women Farmers
Speaker: Elena Grozdanova, State Adviser at the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy (TBC)
Marina Taseska, Lag AGRO Leader
Liljana Jonoski, Rural Coalition
Moderator: Jovana Jovanovska Kanurkova, Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, MZD
13.10 – 13.30 – Questions and discussion
13.30 – 13.35 – Closing remarks