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The mobile library completed its third round. This time, in addition to educational activities in the “Library on Wheels”, children, teachers and parents also participated in workshops for drawing picture books and in the “Theater of Shadows”. Together we created picture books in Turkish, Serbian, Bosnian and Macedonian language, enriching the school libraries.

“Our Little Theater” is a traveling theater of shadows featuring adaptations of the picture books “Marko Travels the World” and “Bursunsul and Paskulina”. This theatre taught us how we should behave when watching a play, what types of theaters exist and of course the Turkish tradition of the shadow theater called “Karagjoz”. The actors Danny Stojanov, Ava Huseini and Blagojčo Stojanov were part of our team.

Special thanks to the following elementary schools for their hospitality: ” Brakja Ramiz i Hamid” – Šuto Orizari, “Mustafa Kemal Ataturk” -D. Količani, “Brakja Ribar” – Tabanovce, “Rajko Žinzifov” – Dolno Orizari, “Strašo Pindzur” – Prnalija, “Kiril i Metodij” – Kučeviste, “Svetozar Markovič” – Staro Nagoričane, “Goce Delčev” – Angelci and “Dituria “- Ljubin.

The Mobile Library is being implemented within the project “Education of the Smaller Ethnic Communities” implemented by the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia in partnership with the Step by Step Foundation and the Directorate for the Promotion of Education in the Languages of the Communities.


28 December 2019