Since the beginning of the project until now, our mobile library has traveled more than 2000 kilometers and promoted reading among pupils from 10 rural elementary schools in different parts of the country.
We have already begun a new cycle of visits to project schools and again visited the elementary schools “Brakja Ribar” – Tabanovce, “Kiril i Metodij” – Kučevishte and “Svetozar Markovič” – Staro Nagoričane.
The educational activities with our famous actors Gjorgi Neškovski and Deni Stojanov were attended by more than 170 students, but also by their teachers and parents.
The visits of the “Mobile Library” are part of the concept “Education of the Smaller Ethnic Communities”, implemented by the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia (FOSM) in partnership with the Foundation “Step by Step” and aims to promote the teaching process on the languages of the smaller ethnic communities.
28 October 2019