The Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance is a regulation of the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament that sets out the priorities and principles of financial assistance to countries in the accession process. To download the regulation and study the text, follow this link:
This infographic contains the basic information about IPA-3 and is related to the briefing material that should help to better understand the instrument and the financial framework to support the accession of North Macedonia to the European Union.
The infographic was developed within the project “EU Observatory – Chapter 27” by the Prespa Institute Skopje, and financially supported by the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia.
Additionally, the infographic provides information on the promised national participation by the Government, which should facilitate the monitoring of their implementation.
The briefing material answers several key questions about the instrument and identifies the windows in which the assistance is planned, as well as the already identified projects that should help the dual digital and green transformation.
Publication (briefing material) “Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA – 3)”.
25 May 2022