Supporting the Open Government Partnership Co-creation Process of the National Action Plan 2021-2023
Project objectives:
The general objective of the project is strengthening the co-creation process of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) thereby ensuring a more ambitious National Action Plan (NAP) for the period 2021 – 2023.
Specific objectives: Improving the design and level of ambition of the NAP through focused thematic consultation workshops (online); Improving the quality of engagement and co-creation dialogue through involving new members of the government, the CSO network of organisations dealing with OGP issues and the international partners, especially those encouraging the inclusion of groups of people with fewer opportunities, women, young people and the Roma community; Strengthening the consultation process and prioritizing actions to be taken; Development and monitoring of the adopted NAP through the working groups of the network of civil society organisations dealing with OGP issues.
Centre for Civic Communications and the Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women – ESE, with the support of the Ministry for Information Society and Administration (MISA)
Expected Results:
- Functional cooperation and technical support provided to the Council for Cooperation between Civil Society Organisations and Public Institutions as well as established policies and operational procedures, including the implementation of its regular mandate in coordination with the OGP- National Coordinator in supporting project activities;
- Developed materials and implemented activities to inform civil society organisations and the general public about the principles, opportunities and benefits from the OGP process;
- Questionnaire for evaluating the achievements of the previous NAP of the OGP drafted;
- Developed procedure and timeframe for conducting consultations to draft the new (fifth) NAP of OGP;
- Developed criteria for selection of actions in the course of drafting the fifth NAP of OGP;
- Online information meeting to train interested parties on the implemented OGP process;
- Consultations to identify, develop and prioritise actions for the fifth NAO of OGP prepared and conducted;
- Secured contribution of the marginalized groups as part of the process of drafting the Action Plan;
- Developed and implemented questionnaire for the marginalised groups of citizens and consultations with relevant institutions and stakeholders to improve the design of the actions;
- Actions within the framework of the prioritised policy areas developed and the fifth NAP of OGP completed;
- Developed NAP of OGP for the period 2021-2023;
- Indicators to measure the successful implementation of the actions developed, and establishing a mechanism for monitoring the implementation of the actions agreed as part of the fifth NAP through the working groups of the Network of civil society organisations dealing with OGP issues;
- Developed and published online case studies on priority areas, public service delivery and transparency, accountability, pro-active involvement and inclusion;
- Secured visibility through promoting the activities and results on the web-sites and social media of the three partner-organisations, including the web-site of MISA, especially its OGP-portal expected to be active and operational towards the end of November 2020.
Budget: 10.000 dollars
15 January 2021