The Foundation Open Society – Macedonia together with the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and the Municipality of Rosoman today opened the reconstructed premises in the kindergarten “Praskička”, expanding the capacity of the kindergarten. With the donation from FOSM, besides the modified rooms for the youngest, “Praskička” got a well-arranged yard as well.
Investing in early childhood development is the foundation on which an open society is built. The early years of child development offer the unique opportunity to create educated, successful, aware and active future generations that will contribute to building a prosperous society. Providing quality conditions for early childhood development creates equal opportunities for all children and enables them to take full advantage of their potentials.
Creating sustainable system solutions that will provide equal educational opportunities for all children remains a priority for the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia. We continue to support the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia and the municipalities in their efforts to provide greater chances for better growth and development of as many children as possible.
24 October 2019