We are well aware that ecology is a marginalized social phenomenon. The eco-diary is an idea of the young activists from the Artivism clubs of MOF, and the goal behind its preparation is to increase awareness of ecology and activate young people for changes in global environmental awareness.
Initially, the ECO-DIARY includes several pages aimed at critically solving community problems. In this diary, you can find eco-symbols and explanations, pages reserved for challenges (where by adding stickers – the young people who will fill this diary will record what they do/did not do today), compost pages, pages reserved for nurturing your plants, a twelve-month diary eco quiz.
ECO-Activists: Teona Angelovska, Leon Shumanski, Marija Vangelovska, Mihaela Todevska, Ivana Cvetanoska, Eva Ristovska, Iva Ristovska, Gordana Mitrovska, Angela M.
The diary was mcreated within the project Youth Engagement for Student and Youth Policies. The project is funded by the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia.
24 February 2021