The fifth video session of the Council for Coordination and Monitoring of the Open Government Partnership Process and the National Action Plan for OGP 2018-2020 was held on 21 September.
The session was organized and chaired by Mr. Martin Todevski, co-chair of the Council for Coordination and Monitoring of the Open Government Partnership Process (Council), and the National Action Plan for Open Government Partnership 2018-2020 (NAP).
The session was attended by 9 members of the Council, as well as Gordana Gapic Dimitrovska – National Coordinator for Open Government Partnership at the Ministry of Information Society and Administration (MISA), Adrian Abazi, and Stanislav Vasilevski – MISA.
After the adoption of the draft agenda, the members of the Council reviewed, discussed, and adopted the following draft documents: Draft-Minutes of the fourth session of the Council for coordination and monitoring of the OGP process held on 29 July 2020, Educational material for Open Government Partnership and the Draft Priority Areas and working groups for co-creation in accordance with the submitted applications for participation in the process of co-creation of the Action Plan for Open Government Partnership 2021-2023.
Ivona Stalevska, on behalf of the Working Group (established by the Council for Coordination and Monitoring of the Open Government Partnership Process and the National Action Plan for Open Government Partnership 2018-2020 composed of: Darko Antic from the Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women, Nadica Josofovski from MISA, Eli Chakar from the Ministry of Local Self-Government and Ivona Stalevska from the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia), in charge of preparing the educational material, presented the dynamics of the work of the Group and the content of the prepared material.
Gordana Gapic Dimitrovska gave an overview of the Draft-Priority Areas and working groups for co-creation in accordance with the submitted applications for participation in the process of co-creation of the Action Plan for Open Government Partnership 2021-2023, whose content was created based on the Procedure for implementation consultation with the public to create new priorities and commitments within the Open Government Partnership process in order to ensure a timely, smooth, inclusive and transparent process of co-creating the Open Government Partnership Action Plan 2021-2023.
Voting on the agenda items was conducted electronically by each present member of the Council.
Two representatives from the expert-administrative service of MISA and Ivona Stalevska (a member of the Council and coordinator of the Network of Civil Society Organizations for OGP) provided administrative and logistical support for the preparation and organization of the session.
23 September 2020