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Does your municipality have problems with waste management or landfills? Problems with organizing public local spaces? Is there a lack of bike paths and alternative mobility? Maybe polluted air, soil or polluted municipal water is something you are most concerned about?

Report a problem, get involved, and help! Fill in the questionnaire at the following link.

Environmental problems are multifaceted, affecting the overall quality of life in urban and rural areas. The Youth Education Forum within the project “Creative Youth Action for the Environment” wants to achieve greater involvement of young people, in order to engage, show solidarity and participate in the processes of their communities. The project aims to encourage the application of sustainable activist practices by creating a dialogue between different actors and joint action to address environmental problems in local communities.

The mapped environmental problems from this questionnaire will be further discussed with local organizations, local self-government and the business sector to find a solution. Within the project, 5 local environmental actions for the mapped problems will be realized. Documentary-journalistic videos on the problem-solving advocacy process will also be created.

The project “Creative Youth Action for Environment” is implemented with the support of the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia.


22 February 2022