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Within the activity “Corruption? Not in my municipality!”, the Coalition All for Fair Trials launched an online service that aims to provide direct assistance to citizens who face a specific problem or have specific questions about corruption and conflict of interest, their rights, legal funds at their disposal, as well as all other issues of importance for the functioning of the local government.

Legal Advisor from the Coalition will answer all questions as soon as possible, and they will be published anonymously on the website of the Coalition.

The online service is available at the following link: https://all4fairtrials.org.mk/?p=3384&lang=mk.

The Coalition All for Fair Trials, together with the civil society organizations Multikultura (Tetovo), Izbor (Strumica), EcHO (Štip), Station PET (Prilep) will provide legal aid to citizens who have recognized and want to report corruption and conflict of interest, with a special focus on the municipalities of Karpoš, Želino, Dojran, Ohrid and Prilep.

The cooperation with these CSOs and their activities are part of the project “Strengthened Integrity Systems for Combating Corruption at the Local Level”, implemented by the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia within the USAID Civic Engagement Project. More information about the USAID Civic Engagement Project at https://cep.mk/and https://www.facebook.com/CEPNorthMacedonia.


The contents of this website do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the Government of the United States of America.


2 September 2020