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On 24 December 2019, the Initiative Board for establishing an OGP Civil Society Network met with representatives from the Ministry of Information Society and Administration (MISA) and the Commission for Protection of the Right to Free Access to Public Information. This initial meeting was aimed at initiating the consultation process on the need, role and procedure for establishing a new structure for coordination of the OGP process in North Macedonia.

The Initiative Board, consisting of 10 CSOs, has begun the process of establishing a CSO Network for Open Government Partnership. The call for membership in the network is open until 30 December 2019.

The main purpose of the network is to coordinate and strengthen the voice of civil society organizations that advocate for the participation, openness and accountability of the authorities. The Network will strive to establish a new structure for coordinating the OGP process in North Macedonia in line with international experience, with the aim of improving the communication and coordination of all parties involved and strengthening the monitoring and evaluation of activities. The network will participate and contribute to the establishment of a new structure for coordinating and monitoring the development and implementation of the NAP.

This process was initiated on the eve of the preparation of the new National Action Plan, with the aim of more organized action and influence of CSOs in its creation and establishment of an organized and established model for coordination and involvement of civil society, institutions and other stakeholders in the preparation and development process, as well as in the implementation of action plans.

On the meeting were discussed the functioning models of the structures for coordinating the OGP process in other countries and the need for a new structure/body for permanent dialogue between the authorities and civil society on OGP, as well as the role of the CSO network in this regard. At the same time, on the meeting were discussed and exchanged views and guidelines for the promotion of the first draft of the model for this new structure, which encompasses its goals, role, tasks and method of creation. Public consultation on the draft model of the new structure will follow in the coming period.


26 December 2019