Over the past several years, justice and the promotion of a transparent, accessible and inclusive judiciary have been the focus of the Open Government Initiative. Based on this knowledge, the Open Government Partnership Initiative created the OGP Coalition for Justice, a group of OGP members, civil society organizations and other national and international partners working to create a system in which citizens are the focus.
On 21 October 2020, an online constitutive meeting of the OGP Coalition for Justice was held, which was attended by OGP members who co-create and implement commitments related to the judiciary, civil society representatives, the private sector and international organizations.
The event raised questions on several topics related to the creation of synergies, but also the progress made in relation to access to justice, open judiciary as a concept and justice in the function of the Open Government Partnership. At the same time, the participants shared their thoughts and options for potential collaborations related to access to justice, and also addressed the challenges and opportunities that the Covid-19 pandemic posed to the world’s justice systems.
The event was also attended by the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia, the Association for Emancipation and Solidarity and Equality of Women – ESE and the Coalition Margins. IVONA STALEVSKA, the representative of FOSM at the constitutive meeting emphasized the efforts of the Foundation for Access to Justice in the Republic of North Macedonia but also informed the audience in more detail about the problems faced by marginalized communities during Covid-19.
21 October 2020