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The use of health care and the general realization of basic rights for Roma are a daily problem. Discrimination and unequal treatment of Roma exists and is often due to the low awareness of health professionals, and institutions in general about the cultural aspects of working with marginalized groups, and in particular with Roma. At the same time, there is low awareness of recognizing negative narratives in both CSOs and of course Roma who are often not fully informed about how they can exercise their rights.

In order to raise awareness among all groups concerned, the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia is supporting a number of projects aimed at helping change the narratives of Roma. This type of project is also a project implemented in partnership with VIDI VAKA, which will, in an innovative way, provide visibility of the problems of the Roma community and the efforts made by them and CSOs to provide a solution.

VIDI VAKA made graphic news for Sunita, a person without a personal identification document, and through her story brought us closer to problems faced by those who are invisible to Macedonian institutions.



27 September 2019