Together with nearly 60 organizations, journalists and individuals from Europe and elsewhere, the Foundation Open Society – supported the journalists who exercise their right of free access to information, while expressing concern regarding the events surrounding the shocking murder of the journalist Ján Kuciak.
For 15 years, FOSM has been continuously working on advancing the right of free access to information through active participation in the enhancement of the legal framework and practice in the country. The knowledge that the murder of Ján Kuciak occurred most likely due to his dedicated work as an investigative journalist and that his identity has been probably unveiled during the request for free access to information is disturbing for us. The right of free access to information is a human right, but also an essential tool in the fight against corruption, during investigations of potential violations of the human rights and of course, it is a crucial tool for increasing the transparency and accountability of authorities, which affects the rule of law. All citizens have to be able to use the right of free access to information, without fear of consequences, whereas the countries and the EU have to provide strengthening of the legal framework that would put the identity protection of those using the right of access to information as a top priority.
Therefore, FOSM joined the call sent to all 751 MPs in the European Parliament calling on the parliamentarians to undertake urgent actions for the protection of journalists and everyone who exercises the right of free access to information. The letter with the statement signed by 61 organization (at the moment), sent to the European parliamentarians, can be read here.
In addition, we call all journalists, organizations and individuals who want to give their support to sign the statement here. It’ll be available for signing until Monday, 19 March 2018, 18:00.
14 March 2018