As part of the project Regularly attending classes: Action for Inclusion of Roma in Elementary Education, the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia and its partners Association center for educational support Dendo Vas and the Foundation for Educational and Cultural Initiatives – Step by Step, opens a scholarship competition for 315 Roma enrolled in first grade in the school year 2019/2020. The purpose of these scholarships is to reduce the financial burden on the most vulnerable Roma families associated with educating their children in order to ensure greater Roma inclusion in elementary education, regular school attendance and successful transition to the next grades. The scholarship competition is funded by the European Union.
Basic information about the scholarship
- The scholarship covers a period of one school year (10 months) and is intended to cover the costs of children’s education, food, clothing, school supplies/materials, sports and other extracurricular equipment. The amount of the scholarship is 400 euros per year, awarded in denars. The scholarship will be paid to the transaction account of the mother, father or guardian.
- Retention of scholarships in the current 2019/2020 school year, as well as renewal of scholarships for the next two school years 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 will depend on the student’s regular attendance, as well as the successful transfer to the next grade.
The following are eligible to apply:
- Roma students enrolled in first grade in the 2019/2020 school year;
- Pupils whose families are recipients of social welfare or recipients of guaranteed minimum welfare;
- Pupils who are not eligible for another scholarship provided by European Union funding.
More information about the competition and the application can be found at the link below.
Additional documents:
Full competition and application
15 November 2019