On 4 and 5 November 2019, a workshop on “To a” Captive State “in North Macedonia – Police, Judiciary and Public Prosecutor’s Office” will be held as part of a project aimed at identifying ways in which political control over institutions is exercised (the judiciary, the prosecution, the police) or the ways in which the systemic weaknesses of the rule of law are abused. Identification are the means of control or abuse, carried out through different case studies and detailed enforcement of legislation.
The workshop will present draft versions of the research prepared by the project partners: BIRN, Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, Coalition “All for Fair Trials” and Human Rights Institute. The workshop will also present preliminary findings and recommendations from analyzes and stories and identify advocacy strategies that will be used to present findings from the publication to citizens and the international community.
The event, in addition to partner organizations, will be attended by representatives of the Foundations Open Society Foundation in Brussels, Srdjan Zvijič and Pamela Aventi from the Open Society European Policy Institute.