The EU accession process requires a good knowledge of the complex EU institutional structure on one hand, as well as the legislation in the country on the other. That is why it is especially important for the institutions and the civil society to be at the level of the task when the Republic of North Macedonia begins negotiations with the European Union. In principle, although EU accession is a process that is distinctive and different for each candidate country, regional experiences can provide insights and examples that could potentially have practical application in the negotiations. From this point of view, the regional experiences deserve a detailed analysis in order to draw conclusions that would further assist the country in negotiating with the EU.
The involvement of the civil society in the negotiation process at an early stage is of particular importance, given that CSOs always have the interests of citizens in mind and if involved, will ensure that the process is an opportunity for genuine social reform, not a practice to only mark fulfilled obligations.
With the aim to increase the capacity and knowledge of CSOs and public administration on the EU accession negotiation process, the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia, in partnership with the European Policy Institute (EPI) in Berlin and Eurotink – Center for European Strategies in Skopje organized the second training for representatives of the civil society and institutions. In particular, this training was attended by representatives of civil society organizations that monitor the areas of Chapter 23 (Judiciary and Fundamental Rights) as well as representatives of the public administration working in the EU-related sectors/units. The training was held from 8 to10 July in Ohrid and was dedicated to the negotiating framework with the EU and sharing the regional experience of countries that have already started membership negotiations.
Lecturers were: Vladimir Medzak, Vice President of the European Movement in Serbia and former Deputy Director of Serbia’s Office for European Integration, Jovana Marovikj – Representative of the Politikon Network in Montenegro’s Working Group on Chapter 23, as well as Srdzan Majstorovikj – President of the European Policy Center in Belgrade and former Deputy Director of the Office for European Integration of the Republic of Serbia with the role of coordinator of the negotiation process.