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We invite you to the Regional Consultation with CSOs “Civil Society and Public Policy Dialogue on the EU Reform Agenda”, which will be held on 13.12.2021 (Monday), starting at 10 am, within the project “Dialogue with CSOs – Platform for structural participation in EU integration.”

The regional consultation with civil society organizations will be held online, on the web platform ZOOM, at the following LINK.

Introductory speeches will be held by – Mr Stefan HUDOLIN, Head of Cooperation in the Delegation of the European Union in North Macedonia and Ms Fani KARANFILOVA-PANOVSKA Executive Director, Foundation Open Society – Macedonia.

The panel “Public Policy Dialogue, EU Accession Reforms in the Western Balkans and Strengthening CSO Involvement”, where the main topic will be what setting of political dialogue in the Western Balkans can accelerate EU accession reforms, will be attended and addressed by:
