We invite you to the performance “Place for support – Corruption in the Workplace among Women”, which will be performed on Wednesday 19 May 2021, at 15:00, on Veljko Vlahovikj Street, no. 7, Center (premises next to the office of the President of RNM).
The focus of this performance is the fight against violence that women experience in their workplaces. It is based on the testimonies of about 500 women who shared their experiences from their jobs, in a survey conducted in March and April this year, through online surveys, polls and interviews.
“Place of Support” is dedicated to all brave women who through their testimonies create a space of support for all who face violence of any type.
The performance stars actresses Emine Halil, Vladanka Dimkovska and Angie Nikoloska, directed by Dragana Gunin.
The identity of everyone who shared their experiences is protected and all stories are anonymous and dramatically adapted. The event will be conducted in compliance with health protocols. The actors play behind glass and the audience will be able to watch the show from the outside. “Place of Support – Corruption in the Workplace among Women” was realized with the support of the Foundation Open Society Macedonia.
This project has started at the end of 2020 and it is preceded by the experiences of female students with sexual harassment by professors at their faculties.
On this YouTube channel, you can hear audio stories based on the experiences that women and girls have had at their jobs or at the university where they study. https://youtube.com/channel/UCq0faHyHSq_a1N7K5I0nQDA
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