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The Foundation Open Society – Macedonia together with the partner organizations PET Station and HOPS organizes the Final Conference of the project “Access to Justice for the Most Marginalized”.


The conference will be held on 30 September 2021 (Thursday) at the Alexander Palace Hotel, starting at 10:00 AM. The event will be broadcast virtually on the following ZOOM link: https://zoom.us/j/91503314900?pwd=ajF5SUp1ZE8yNXFUSDUrbW1mRFlPQT09#success


The conference will present the results and findings of the project implementation, as well as the findings of the Report on the Implementation of the Law on Free Legal Aid, the Analysis of the Implementation of SEG 16.3 in National Legislation and the Report on Violated Human Rights of Marginalized Communities through Case Studies.


Speakers at the event:

