Human Rights, digital literacy and digital security, critical and analytical thinking, sexual education and mental health care are topics of importance for the youth in Macedonia, which are in no way included in formal education. These topics are especially important during a pandemic where the young cannot regularly attend physical education classes and maintain contact with their peers, educators and school psychologists.
The Association for Educational Development EKVALIS, through the project “Youth packages and engagement through youth campaigns” supported by the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia addresses exactly these interesting topics and allows young people in 12 different cities to gain knowledge that will be useful, but also contributes to the actualization of these subjects that are missing not only in formal education but also in the social discourse.
The project includes several activities such as trainings on current and important topics, i.e. master classes in the form of videos realized and available on the digital platform of MOF and organization of youth campaigns that contribute to more serious youth engagement but also encourage active advocacy for issues of interest. This type of campaigns contribute to strengthening the activism of young people and emphasize their role in the advocacy processes for youth issues, and at the same time, young people gain experience in creating youth campaigns, will influence their peers but will also contribute to solving on youth issues and issues.
Follow EKVALIS on their Facebook page or their Instagram profile.
28 July 2021