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In Tetovo, couples began to get married regardless of the coronavirus condition at mass wedding ceremonies in their backyards, and without respecting any protection protocols. Mass gatherings, including private gatherings to celebrate family joy or sorrow, are prohibited. The restaurants that function only for wedding celebrations are closed and they only work with delivery of food. But this is obviously not an obstacle for the newlyweds in Tetovo.

In order to raise public awareness of the importance of respecting the measures, activists from Tetovo conducted another action related to the irresponsible behavior of citizens during the pandemic. The activists set up an art installation in the center of the city – the newlyweds Virus and Corona who publicly celebrate their love with a huge wedding to which over 300 guests. Guests must obey the dress code – masks should be held in the hand, not on the face, and they should be in combination with the clothes. The code of conduct is carefree dancing and hugging because as the wedding invitation says, the virus is dead and gone.

The purpose of this action is to raise awareness and personal responsibility among citizens, to encourage them to respect the measures, to leave the festivities for some better times and thus contribute to the protection of collective health in Tetovo.


10 July 2020