“Places of Generosity – Transformational Stations” is an interdisciplinary project that KSP Center – Jadro will implement during 2022, with the financial support of the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia. The main goal of the project is to promote socially engaged art practices which will be used as powerful tools for social change. The project “Places of Generosity – Transformational Stations” encourages artistic creation that goes beyond the traditional framework of action and takes an active part in creating constructive social change.
Within this project, in the period from 16 to 21 March 2022, KSP Center – Jadro organizes workshops and lectures united under the name “Kitchen for critical recipes and new flavors”. Through the educational process of acquiring new skills, knowledge and approaches, the workshop participants will have the opportunity to create complex artistic content that rejects the classical formats of production and promotes social engagement. After this workshop, in April, a public competition will be announced to support four projects whose implementation will be in the period May – December 2022.
Who can join the workshop?
– The workshop is intended for everyone who wants to cook their own critical recipe in the kitchen of new flavors
– The workshop is intended for all motivated, local artists who want to increase their knowledge and skills in the field of socially engaged art
– The workshop is intended for all who wish to create their own art projects that will lead to increased critical awareness and positive social transformation
– The workshop is designed for anyone who wants to learn how to apply their art outside of museums and galleries.
– The workshop is intended for creative individuals who want to create in the field of environment, anti-corruption, human rights, social justice and other current topics
– The workshop is intended for all who want to contribute to the proactivity of the community in order to open and solve problems and issues at the micro-level.
The lectures and workshops will be conducted by prominent artists who have many years of experience in socially engaged art: Dragan Protic and Jelena Vuksanovic.
Clumsy and skilful cooks,
and everyone else,
you are all welcome!
Fill in the participation form at https://forms.gle/v7nHFN2QPp4BdQYLA
Deadline for application: March 10, 2022
The selected participants will be informed in a timely manner after the application deadline. Attendance at the workshop will be considered an advantage in the selection of projects whose implementation will happen in the period May – December 2022.
Short biographies of the lecturers
Dragan Protikj
Prota, Shkart / 2
There once was our first lecturer, who together with his school friend Gjole founded the group Shkart in 1990 in Belgrade. From then until today, the two of them do everything except what they “need to”. For thirty years, in conflict harmony and with the help of their many collaborators, they have been breaking the rules of poetry, architecture, graphic design, publishing, performance, music, film, alternative education, and more.
Shkart conducts their lectures, workshops, engagements and concerts throughout Europe, America and Asia. They have realized several retrospective exhibitions in Rijeka / Croatia (2009), London / England (2010), Belgrade / Serbia (2012) and Nagoya / Japan (2013). In 2010, Shkart presented the action “KLACKALISHTE” – Polygon of Misbalance, at the Architectural Biennale in Venice.
Jelena Vuksanovikj
…. writer and screenwriter. With a classical education in dramaturgy, the focus of her interest has always been on contemporary and experimental theatre. Jelena has participated in various trainings, workshops and other activities in the field of non-formal education, related to modern and applied educational theatre techniques. The film “Panama”, in which she is the screenwriter, had its premiere at the Cannes Film Festival. In 2018, in Bali, she premiered her first contemporary opera “In… Everything… – Dawn Came-“, composed by Andis Skordis. The origins of Jelena’s fascination with this experimental and creative genre can be marked here. She is currently working on her second contemporary opera, “Light Day”, based on the story of Ferdinand von Schirach, as part of the Berlin Opera, which will premiere in June 2022. More about Jelena’s work can be found at www.andromedavuksanovic.com
Information on COVID-19
In order for the planned and safe implementation of activities, the selected participants will have to present one of the following documents before the beginning of the workshop:
- certificate for immunization against SARS-CoV-2 virus i.e. received at least two doses of vaccine against the infectious disease COVID-19;
- certificate/confirmation for having recovered from COVID-19 in the last 45 days, counting from the day of recovery;
- Medical confirmation with a negative result from RT PCR SARS-CoV-2 test taken 72 hours beforehand.
1 March 2022