Tetovo seems to have no solution for waste. Garbage can be seen everywhere in the city, and there are places like black spots created by the reckless habits and actions of the citizens. One of these black spots is the space provided for a large container in front of the Orthodox cemetery where people from other parts of the city, but also from the villages, leave garbage and even furniture, appliances and construction debris. Black spots are also Saat Maalo, Koltuk, Upper Bazaar, the Student Settlement, Ajduchko Maalo, the old city stadium, the unfinished sports hall at the sports center, and the Pena riverbed.
The Association Multikultura – Tetovo set up a map with underground containers that shows the locations where these containers should be placed in Tetovo, in order to promote the use of underground containers in the future but also to point out to local authorities the need for a long-term solution for change of practices and habits for waste management in the Municipality of Tetovo.
As part of the action, the citizens of Tetovo received leaflets with the map, calling on everyone to contribute to a cleaner neighborhood, a cleaner city and a cleaner future. The famous coffee brand M House, the busiest place for the citizens of Tetovo, joined the action.
The action “Tetovo map with underground containers” was conducted with the support of the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia.
20 July 2021