On November 9, 2022, the executive director of the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia, Fani Karanfilova-Panovska, signed cooperation agreements with the mayors of the municipalities of Delčevo – Goran Trajkovski, Valandovo – Pero Kostadinov, Čučer Sandevo – Saško Komnenović and Centar Župa – Arijan Ibraim. By signing these agreements, FOSM undertook, through a selected economic operator, to install photovoltaic solar systems on five school buildings, and the municipalities undertook to care for the maintenance of the installed systems, thus meeting the electricity needs of these schools in which 1300 students attend classes.
The Foundation Open Society – Macedonia, during 2022, carried out visits to several locations in the country in order to identify schools in smaller settlements, rural and urban, in which there are adequate technical opportunities for the performance and installation of photovoltaic solar systems. After that, FOSM from its own funds and as part of the regional initiative implemented in Albania, Serbia and Kosovo, chose four municipalities – Delčevo, Valandovo, Čučer Sandevo and Centar Župa – for the realization of the donation.
Five school facilities, of which two are secondary school centers – “Goce Delčev” in Valandovo and “Metodi Mitevski Britso” in Delčevo, and three primary schools in rural areas – “Strašo Pindzur” – village of Josifovo, Valandovo, “St. Kiril i Metodij” – village of Kučevishte, Čučer Sandevo and OOU “Nedjati Zekiria” – village of Novak in Centar Župa, are part of this project.
The goal of the project is to enable the use of solar energy and rational use of energy in the pilot schools, which will support the ecological transition of the institutions, while at the same time striving to create the so-called green schools through education and involvement of students and employees for improved energy efficiency.
9 November 2022