The informal activist group “Štip Art Activism” conducted the second additional action on the topic “Children deserve more” intended for the youngest citizens of Štip – children, with a special focus on children who face difficulties in development.
The previous installation caused great interest and received huge support from the citizens, which inspired the members of “Štip Art Activism” to complete the installation and to make two more new figures. New seals and crocodiles have been installed, and in the next period the favorite giraffe will return to the park among the children. All the figures (animals) are explained in Braille so that children with vision problems can learn more about animals. This action complements the previous installation which consisted of four animals made of cement mold and painted in original colors.
For the implementation of the activities, experts such as special educators, artists, activists, representatives of the association “Sploteni Srca” from Štip and the association of parents of children who face difficulties in development were consulted, and professional academic artists were hired to make the animals.
The activity was conducted with the support of the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia.
17 June 2021